Frank Gump, Executive Recruiter, Job Search Strategist
Meet Frank Gump, Job Search Strategist, Executive Recruiter, Corporate Talent Manager, Career Strategist
Spanning a 20 plus year career in the executive search and career management industry, Frank has worked with hundreds of corporate professionals and executives in the awesome pursuit of securing career opportunities and best jobs available and how to find them. He understands the obstacles and challenges that professionals can face in these times.
Frank began his path as a Senior Recruiter and Project Manager staffing corporate talent in the world’s leading hi-tech companies that paved the way for the technologies we enjoy today.
Former Vice President of Recruiting, government division of a national executive search firm servicing leading government contractors in Aerospace, Defense and other technologies.
Frank formed his company in 2002, specializing in working with management level talent who are in pursuit of new opportunities. His work has been dedicated to providing VIP service as a strategic partner in career transitioning. Seasoned. Experienced. Trusted Advisor and Executive Career Strategist.